Page 5975 - Week 18 - Wednesday, 11 December 1991

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MR WOOD (Minister for Education and the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (6.39): Mr Speaker, let me quickly explain that a major element of this Bill has been that dogs need to be under control in public places. I understand Mr Jensen's motives; but, in fact, what this amendment would do is allow an out, and it would quickly be known as such to any person who takes a dog out without a lead, anywhere at all - in the street, near schools, near shops or whatever. If you do not have your dog on a lead, you will simply excuse yourself by saying, "I am training it, boss".

Mr Jensen: Define proposed subsection 21(6)(c) and you do not have a problem.

MR WOOD: That is absolutely not right. I think the will of the house is known and will be quickly expressed.

Amendment negatived.

Bill, as a whole, agreed to.

Bill agreed to.


Motion (by Mr Berry) agreed to:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Assembly adjourned at 6.40 pm

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