Page 5971 - Week 18 - Wednesday, 11 December 1991

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The way the Bill is framed at the moment, I, as a responsible dog owner, training my dog in a local park, could be hit with an on-the-spot fine if I was practising the heel-free, recall, sit or down stay exercises, for example. In the case of a utility dog being trained, the seek back exercise would also result in a fine. Where a dog is training for the CDX standard, retrieving a dumbbell would also have the potential for a fine under the legislation as it stands.

Mr Kaine: Would you care to explain CDX standards, Norm? I missed that bit.

MR JENSEN: I do not think we have time for that, Mr Kaine. I am not sure that Mr Wood really wants that to happen. I do understand his concern about people using this provision, if the amendment that I propose is successful, to get out of an on-the-spot fine. Let me say, however, that I still believe that there is no excuse for any dog under any circumstances attacking a person or another animal while in these circumstances.

Mr Wood: Your amendment will allow them to do that.

MR JENSEN: I do not believe that that is the case, Mr Wood. Whether this amendment is successful or not, the Minister may have a definitional problem in clause 15 of his Bill, which amends section 21 of the principal Act. The proposed new paragraph 21(6)(c) allows for a person to participate in a dog show, field trial or obedience trial with the dog off the leash. I cannot find, either in this Bill or in the parent Act, a definition of what one of those items might be. Might I suggest that the Minister look at this, because there may well be some who seek to run a defence along the lines that the activity is not actually identified.

Might I suggest that the Minister consider a definition along the lines of "trials, as sanctioned by the ACT Kennel Association or an equivalent national body". I believe that the Minister may find that sort of problem. All in all, the Bill is an improvement on dog control in the ACT which is welcomed by the dog fraternity. I am sure all responsible owners will be happy to see this legislation in place, with, maybe, a couple of the amendments that I propose to move this afternoon.

MRS NOLAN (6.28): Mr Speaker, I certainly will not be taking a very long period of time, but I do want to put just a couple of comments on the record. I think most people in this Assembly are aware that I have been lobbying long and hard for this legislation to finally come before the house. I am aware of just how many people out there in the community have had concerns in relation to dogs not being properly controlled by their owners. I am also aware of the concerns that many people have had in relation to people who just let their dogs go unattended and cause all sort of problems and concerns for many in the community.

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