Page 5936 - Week 18 - Wednesday, 11 December 1991

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MR COLLAERY (4.38): The reason for this was given by me in my in-principle speech. There is a problem for psychologists in recovering their funds because, under the former legislation, they were not listed among those approved for treatment. That has been partially rectified in the current draft, which provides that they could be paid if they had been referred by a medical practitioner or a dentist. The situation, on my advice from a member of the Australian College of Clinical Psychologists and a prominent practitioner in that area in the ACT, is that many of their references come from outside those two categories, including occupational rehabilitation specialists and other sectors that deal with the traumas injured parties have suffered.

I commend that amendment, which in effect takes away the necessity for there to have been a referral by a medical practitioner or a dentist. That is the effect of my amendment. I foreshadow an amendment to define "psychologist" as a person who is eligible for membership of the Australian College of Clinical Psychologists. That will ensure that the matter is tied up and you cannot have just any old person eligible for membership.

I draw Mr Berry's attention to the definition of "speech therapist" at page 4 of the Bill. The draftswoman has drawn that to my attention. In the absence of any regulatory structure for psychologists in the Territory, I would adopt the definition at (b) under "speech therapist". To save a subsequent amendment, and knowing that Mr Berry would agree that we need a Bill to register psychologists in due course, he can safely use (a), although it will be meaningless at this stage because there will not be any law of the Territory under which psychologists operate.

Mr Berry: They can all operate here now.

MR COLLAERY: It is not a happy situation.

Mr Berry: There is no law to prevent them operating.

MR COLLAERY: That is working fairly well; but I believe that, like any State that wants to ensure that competent people practise their professions, we should look into that registration proposal at an early date. I would commend the use of arm (b) there and that we should say that they are a person who is a member of or is eligible for membership of the Australian College of Clinical Psychologists. At this stage I move the first amendment circulated in my name.

MADAM TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: There is only one circulated at the moment, Mr Collaery. Is there another one to be circulated?

MR COLLAERY: Yes. In effect, it is cognate with this because it adds a definition.

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