Page 5912 - Week 18 - Wednesday, 11 December 1991

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growing number of eastern grey kangaroos in the ACT. That is going to need to be looked at very, very carefully and will have to be dealt with in a sensitive and appropriate way.

From living in South Australia on the Eyre Peninsula during a drought time, I am aware of how devastating large mobs of kangaroos can be, and I am familiar with the techniques that were used there to cull kangaroos, none of which were particularly pretty - rather the contrary was true. However, licences were granted and methods were established to cull those kangaroos. I think it is an issue that the ACT is going to have to deal with before too long. But, in that sense, I digress from the report.

Mr Deputy Speaker, I would like to offer my thanks particularly to the secretary of the committee, Bill Symington, for his work in the preparation of this report and to Kim Blackburn, who has worked behind many of the reports of many of the committees in which I have been involved and which I have chaired. I think we really must not underestimate her work because she has been typing for and supporting those committees for the life of this Assembly. I feel delighted that in the last sitting days of the Assembly I have the opportunity to thank all the committee support staff and particularly those people.

To the members of the committee who participated, my thanks are appropriate. I still believe that one of the strongest facets of the life of this Assembly which has been broadly recognised is the work done by the committees, because they almost invariably work with a spirit of cooperation and are rarely the place for point scoring.

In this particular case, I would also like to extend thanks to the Public Affairs Branch staff who were kind enough to prepare the front cover, as indeed they were kind enough to prepare the front cover of the discussion paper that we brought down the other day for the same committee. I think the cover of this report sets a new standard as to how reports could look and how much more attractive they could be. They deserve special thanks for doing that. I hope other committees will be able to use that technique in the future.

Many government officers have been involved in providing information to the committee. I thank the Ministers involved in lending us those public servants, and I thank the public servants, who have been particularly helpful.

Also I thank those who made submissions, particularly the Rural Lessees Association, and those rural leaseholders who entertained and looked after the committee on their properties, particularly Mr and Mrs Anderson and Mr and Mrs Adams.

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