Page 5884 - Week 18 - Wednesday, 11 December 1991

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I have a suggestion which I hope the responsible Minister might take into account. I assume that that is Mr Connolly. I think that it might be valuable if the Government would consider one-and-a-half-hour parking spaces along Franklin Street in front of the cathedral. One-and-a-half hours is longer than the average mass time, thus allowing for those members of the clergy, but shorter than the average duration of whatever the latest movie might be, Terminator 2 or whatever it might be. If that were the time limit for those free parking spaces along Franklin Street and if it were enforced even on Sundays, I think that some of the concerns presently being experienced by parishioners at the cathedral would be met and that access to the church's facilities there would be retained.

As I have indicated, I am pleased about the general tenor of this proposal. I believe that it does address the very real question of providing additional parking spaces in Manuka and I therefore will not support the motion moved by Mr Duby.

Motion (by Mr Collaery) negatived:

That the question be now put.

MR SPEAKER: Who is the next speaker?

Mr Moore: It is a two-part motion. I want to speak to the second - - -

MR SPEAKER: No. There is one motion before the Chair at the moment. You can speak on the next one.

MR DUBY (11.49), in reply: Mr Speaker, I am not all that sure of the procedures that are in place at the moment, but I would like to say that I am quite disappointed that this motion that I have moved today was necessary. The one important thing in life, I think, is certainty. With this morning's disallowance motion I have tried to achieve that for the people involved, either for or against the proposed development at Manuka.

It has been very interesting to listen to the debate. Unlike almost every other member of the Assembly I, apparently, am not an amateur planner. Everyone else has enormous views on what should be done in terms of parking, in terms of the provision of services, et cetera. The view always seems to be that it does not matter what the experts say; their opinion is better.

I am quite satisfied that all due processes that should have been followed have been followed in this regard. I am quite satisfied that the concerns of various people about this development have been listened to and addressed. I take great comfort from the Minister's statement that matters will be looked into in terms of the future provision of parking and things like that.

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