Page 5882 - Week 18 - Wednesday, 11 December 1991

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Mr Kaine used his speech to take some political shots at the Rally. He is entitled to do that and we will see what the result is in the ballot-box. But I remind Mr Kaine that the Rally has supported draft variations to plan approvals in Lyons for car parking, in Calwell, Weston, O'Malley, Ainslie, Melba, Lyneham, Hackett, and numerous other areas, including Kambah, Phillip and Yarralumla.

The fact is that we have moved only two or three disallowances in the life of this Assembly and in the life of the disallowance process, and we have not opposed all developments; far from it. What we did oppose, of course, was the bulldozing of some school sites which, with the free commercial lease proposal, took Mr Kaine out of government.

Mr Moore: After you had moved that the schools be closed.

MR COLLAERY: It is a sad day, of course, for Mr Moore. He has put himself on the record and he will not escape it. Mr Speaker, Mr Kaine said again - he said this and was howled down by his former blue Liberal supporters in Forrest - that proper processes have been faithfully followed. Mr Kaine has that wrong. He has it wrong because we were not given the traffic management study and investigation reports. I ask Mr Wood to indicate whether he will make those available. Proper processes surely allow us, as the new planning Bill will, access to the traffic studies so that we can refute the very basis for this approval.

I want to stress, in conclusion, that we support reasonable development in Manuka. We have nothing personal whatsoever against Mrs Liangis' proposal. What we are concerned about, on behalf of the Manuka traders - I have already admitted that I have an interest in this matter, and I do not believe that I am offending against the self-government Act - is that there is no increase in parking. There is a diminution of parking, and that is the problem. Mr Speaker, this matter should be disallowed or deferred until it is studied and I think that those members who make light of it - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! Your time has expired, Mr Collaery.

MR HUMPHRIES (11.43): Mr Speaker, I think we can see what a loser the Rally are on with a planning issue when Michael Moore does not support them, and they clearly must be in this case. I had a number of concerns about this proposal when I first saw it. I was anxious to consider a number of matters that had been raised with me about that; but I must say that, having heard the debate, in particular the Minister's contribution, I feel that many of those concerns, if not all, have been dealt with, and I feel happy in supporting this development going ahead.

There will, of course, be a need for the Government or the planning authorities to monitor the development of this proposal and ensure that concerns that have been raised

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