Page 5874 - Week 18 - Wednesday, 11 December 1991

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parking space in Manuka. He does not care about all of that. Mr Jensen has a better idea. I suppose the better idea is to bulldoze Manuka and then they can all go and shop down at Tuggeranong, where Mr Jensen comes from. I presume that that is his alternative.

Mr Jensen: You can do better than that, Trevor.

MR KAINE: I am doing quite well already because I am demolishing you. I do not know what arguments you are going to put up that suggest that this is a bad proposal, or that it should be set aside in favour of somebody else's proposal that is not even on the books, or how you are going to say - I am sure you will think of something - that the proper processes of planning have not been gone through.

Mr Berry: It is good to sit on this side of the fence.

Mr Duby: It is like the joint party room revisited.

Mr Wood: Let us put that on the record.

Mrs Grassby: Yes, we need that one on the record. Is that right, Trevor? Is this the joint party room revisited?


Mr Collaery: No, it is not the same; Trevor did not threaten to quit when he started to speak.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Order, please, members!

MR KAINE: I am not threatening to quit now. There is one thing for certain: After 15 February I will be back, but I do not expect to see any members of the Rally back. All of this grandstanding to get legislation on the table on the last sitting day of the Assembly has no merit at all from their viewpoint because they are not going to be here to debate it.

I think, Mr Speaker, that I have made my point strongly. This proposal has gone through the proper processes. All that is required now is for this Assembly to reject this disallowance motion and we will see some decent development going on that will make Manuka a better place for the business people there, for the people who want to shop there, and for the people who live within half a mile of it and who have people parking outside their houses when there is no real need for them to be there.

It is a good proposal in itself and there is no counterproposal that I have heard of from anywhere else that would suggest that it is a better proposal than this one. In fact, there is no proposal from anywhere to do anything else. I do not believe that we can allow Manuka to choke itself to death, as it will if we do not start doing something about the parking space down there.

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