Page 5872 - Week 18 - Wednesday, 11 December 1991

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MR KAINE: I belong to the Liberal Party and I am proud of it. I do not sit on the fence and I do not fall off whichever way the wind blows.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Order, Mr Collaery!

Mr Collaery: You are part of the right wing Labor Party in exile in your party.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Collaery, please!

MR KAINE: When I fall off a fence because I think the wind is blowing the right way, like you do, that will be the day.

Mr Collaery: I will tell you what: I have bitten more bullets than you have in this chamber.


MR KAINE: You have not bitten one. You fall off the fence whichever way the wind blows strongest. This is a classic example. The Rally thinks that by jumping on all these planning issues they pick up a few votes. Well, they do not. They thought they picked up a few on the Forrest bowling club recently; but they did not, because everybody recognised that it was just like this stunt, a political stunt, a political ploy, to get the Residents Rally's name on the front page of the Canberra Times. You do not get votes that way unless you are sincere about it.

The voters out there are smart enough to know that the Residents Rally is not sincere about anything except trying to get themselves re-elected now. We are within a month or two of the election. The proper processes have been gone through - - -

Dr Kinloch: Mr Speaker, I raise a point of order. I believe that I heard Mr Kaine say that we are not sincere about anything. I wonder whether that comes under the category of telling us that we are lying.

MR SPEAKER: No, it is certainly not. No, that is not a point of order. Please proceed, Mr Kaine.

MR KAINE: You can tell the truth and still be insincere. There is no question about the proper process. I think we can dispense with the furphy that the proper processes have not been gone through. The next thing is to look at the merits of the proposal.

Mr Jensen: Ah, now you are talking.

MR KAINE: Mr Jensen fancies himself as an expert on the merits of proposals.

Mr Duby: He is a planner.

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