Page 5839 - Week 18 - Tuesday, 10 December 1991

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took place for a member at around the age of 30, and I think that is probably unlikely. I do not know of any members here who are around 30, with the possible exception of Mr Humphries, who looks very well to me.

I think that this provision, in effect, represents something of an insurance cover rather than a normal type of superannuation benefit. It is certainly consistent with other similar benefits payable under other schemes. I think again that most members would agree that a member who was so disabled as to be forced to retire at the age of around 30, or who died in office at the age of 30, would expect, under a similar sort of scheme, to see a sizeable pay-out. I do not see that this is in any way unusual. I certainly trust that that provision is never put to the test.

Finally, Mr Deputy Speaker, as I say, I think this is a reasonable Bill. I do not believe that it is in any way excessive. I think it is cost effective and I think it does give clear implementation to members' needs and also to the community's view that most workers, all workers, are entitled to superannuation.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Bill agreed to in principle.

Detail Stage

Clauses 1 to 6, by leave, taken together, and agreed to.

Clause 7

MR STEFANIAK (9.29), by leave: I move:

Page 4, line 23, omit paragraph (b), substitute the following paragraph:

"(b) The Chief Minister or, in his or her absence, a government member nominated by the Chief Minister;".

Page 4, line 26, omit paragraph (c), substitute the following paragraph:

"(c) The Leader of the Opposition or, in his or her absence, an opposition member nominated by the Leader of the Opposition; and".

The purpose of the amendments is quite clear. It is to substitute new paragraphs (b) and (c) of clause 7(1). At present the clause refers to a government member or an opposition member. I think this is a better way of doing

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