Page 5832 - Week 18 - Tuesday, 10 December 1991

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the way the Federal Government is proceeding, that there are no funds available for members for their retirement other than those provided by themselves through superannuation. Therefore, under that circumstance, I once again compliment the Government for moving on this issue and bringing down this Bill.

MR MOORE (9.04): It gives me some pleasure to stand and comment on the Superannuation (Legislative Assembly Members) Bill. Congratulations to the Chief Minister for bringing this on. It has been of some concern to me. I mentioned it to Ms Follett as Chief Minister. I had mentioned it to Mr Kaine when he was Chief Minister. It has been of some concern to me that my family has remained basically unprotected while I have been a member of this Assembly. In addition to the comments made by Mr Prowse, I believe that offering protection to families of members is an appropriate course of action. It simply brings us into line with the rest of the community in Canberra, as does the superannuation package itself. I believe that it is appropriate that members contribute to this scheme as set out in this legislation.

MR STEVENSON (9.04): There are two points about this Bill. First, is superannuation a good idea? Indeed, it is a good idea. Most people would agree with that. The other question is this: Is this particular package a reasonable idea for politicians to take? Does this align with what is in the marketplace?

I think we well understand how the 29 per cent pay-out after a 5 per cent contribution was arrived at. It was simply based on the 24 per cent non-contributory fund proposed by the Alliance. It was felt that there should be a contribution, so 5 per cent was added to either end, making it a 5 per cent contribution and, rather than a 24 per cent non-contributory pay-out, it became a 29 per cent or equivalent pay-out.

Are the majority of Australians able to have a similar type of fund or a similar type of benefit to that which this Bill allows?

Ms Follett: Yes.

Mr Moore: Yes, they are.

Mr Berry: Yes.

Mr Kaine: Yes.

Dr Kinloch: Put it the other way around.

MR STEVENSON: I hear a fairly unanimous "yes" from members all around the Assembly. The interesting thing is that, when I talk to members in the Assembly and when I talk to senior public servants involved in drafting this, they all say unanimously that it is perfectly reasonable, perfectly

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