Page 5799 - Week 18 - Tuesday, 10 December 1991

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This legislation is welcomed. I am sure that Mr Jensen would have wanted me to say that the lead content issue is extremely important in Tuggeranong. I bet it was, or is. Certainly it is a relevant issue in the siting of structured car parks.

Mr Kaine: It is only relevant in Civic, as far as I know.

MR COLLAERY: It is a relevant issue in the siting of structured car parks particularly, I say to the Minister, because the high lead levels have been found traditionally in the city, as Mr Kaine quite properly interjected, particularly in Barry Drive in Turner at various times. There has been effective monitoring of those matters by the environment protection authority. But I say to Mr Wood that one should not disregard the fact that many of us are driving old cars. I know that Mr Berry has the oldest car in this Assembly. It is a very old car. It is a very very valuable car, probably; but it is a very very old car.

Mr Berry: It is not a very very valuable car; it is just an old one.

MR COLLAERY: Well, there you are.

Mr Kaine: It only consumes petrol with 0.84 lead content.

MR COLLAERY: Yes, it comes from the prewar guzzling era. But be that as it may, I think the Government needs to think about the siting of high-rise parking places, bearing in mind that there seem to be - and this is anecdotal only - many more older cars on the roads in the Territory now compared with five years ago. That is not just a product of time passing; it seems that economic circumstances are meaning that people are holding onto cars that they might earlier have disposed of. That, of course, is delaying the anticipated run-down in the use of leaded petrol. I believe that the Minister needs to consider this issue, were he minded to proceed with his draft variation to site a three-storey car lot in the sanctified reaches of Manuka near the church property there.

Mr Wood: It is not three storeys. It is two levels.

MR COLLAERY: Mr Wood interjects and says that it is only two storeys. I believe that it could easily grow legs and become three in no time. I do not know whether I am referring to the parable of the loaves and the parking structures, but I believe that anything could happen there if it proceeds. We need to be conscious of lead contents around parking stations.

MR KAINE (Leader of the Opposition) (4.52): I do not intend to get into car parking spaces in Manuka because I do not think it is relevant to this Bill. What this Bill does, and I thought that Mr Collaery would have made this point very strongly, is implement an Alliance Government policy. It was another one of the Bills that were coming down the pipe when we lost government and it has taken six

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