Page 5786 - Week 18 - Tuesday, 10 December 1991

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you have it all there; but you do not have those sorts of facilities in Theodore. They are not available. So, I think it is totally inappropriate to have that sort of development in that area.

Another area of concern is problems associated with traffic flow on Tewksbury Circuit. The residents were concerned that with this sort of increased development there would be many more vehicles on their streets. There was an argument for the traffic to come in off Lawrence Wackett Crescent, but I have some sympathy with the suggestions by the people from the traffic section about why it may not be appropriate for that access to take place. I will say that further up, on the other side of Yamba Drive, there are residences that come out on to the other part of Lawrence Wackett Crescent. I am not quite sure whether that may need to be looked at again. So, there is that issue.

I think the final issue of concern on the part of the community, on the basis of information provided to us, although it is only an indicative diagram, is the size of the development. There seem to be very small facilities being provided in that area. So, not only do we have a combination of small two- and three-bedroom units but also we have a quite large concentration of them. I think it is more appropriate to spread them around much closer to facilities.

I have already made the point about access to shops. The nearest shops and medical services are about 25 minutes' walk from the area. That might be fine for someone like me who is pretty fit and agile; but for a mother with a couple of babies in a pram it is not really appropriate, I suggest. That is a problem. The buses do not directly access the area or nearby areas. People without their own transport, particularly people in these smaller public homes, would not necessarily have facilities to enable them to access, say, the Chisholm group centre or the Tuggeranong town centre as readily as they may have if these facilities were located closer to a place like Erindale or the Chisholm group centre or any other similar group centre on the north side. So, this is a problem that I think we have.

In the past, Mr Speaker, we have had problems with public housing and we do not seem to have learned about the problems associated with concentrating these groups of people in one location without proper facilities.

Mr Wood: What groups of people are you talking about?

MR JENSEN: I am talking about people who are using public housing.

Mr Wood: Are they somewhat different from other people?

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