Page 5736 - Week 17 - Thursday, 5 December 1991

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(6) 10,000 vehicles per year fail the test to such an unacceptable extent the first time that they are required to be presented again at one of the Test Stations (rather than an Authorised Inspector premises).

(7) Of those 10,000 vehicles which failed extensively the first time, approximately 5,000 vehicles fail subsequent inspections.

(8) No A.C.T. specific studies have been undertaken on the effectiveness of annual or regular vehicle inspections in reducing the accident rate and the number of road deaths and serious accidents. Numerous studies have been carried out in the States and overseas, and it is generally considered that vehicle defects contribute to some five to ten percent of accidents. These studies are not conclusive in that, in each case, the regulatory environment differs from that of the A.C.T.

(9) Yes

(10) Total running costs for both Phillip and Dickson Test Stations for 1990/91 were $987,743. This includes all wages, overtime and other recurrent costs, but excludes on-costs.


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