Page 5730 - Week 17 - Thursday, 5 December 1991

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Leaving out our pseudologist Member Dennis Stevenson, it leaves 15 elected Members who have read my letters and except for a few acknowledgments in the early days, who it seems have agreed "together" to ignore my pleas. How can this be so??

Have I not plucked one Member's conscience? Is there not one Member that has been hounded and maligned by unscrupulous, corrupt mercenaries?

Mr Gold then went on with another paragraph that I have chosen not to read. The letter continues:

This is a democracy that we live in, thank God for that, I can still fight for the right to be heard and I will!

Mr Speaker, it is my intention just simply to give him that right to be heard. The letter goes on:

Members of this Assembly, I will continue my fight against these accusations and my accusers. I will fight against your right to allow scabby, low-down, contemptible fraudulent conspirators to utter lies, to deliberately forge papers and to deceive the Parliament, as you have done in the past few months.

"Silence is Golden", but I assure each and everyone of you, that "Gold cannot be silenced".

During your recess, whilst you prepare to go to the electorate with your promises and your offer of good deeds, remember how shabbily you have treated me, to allow SILENTLY all the filth uttered by Stevenson and Gill to pervade your House of Assembly.

I wish you all well and hope that you will find peace of mind in the future, I can assure you there will be none for me.

Mr Speaker, in speaking to Mr Gold this morning, I assured him that there was no conspiracy of silence and that, in fact, when I moved to allow the Operation Manna report to be made available to Mr Gold, members in this chamber supported me. I believe that he has accepted that. However, I also believe that he has been maligned, without much of a chance for defence. I felt that it was appropriate to allow him what I perceive as his final chance to have a say on this, because I intend not to raise this matter in the Assembly again.

On another matter, Mr Speaker: Now that we have the Land (Planning and Environment) Bill - - -

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