Page 5726 - Week 17 - Thursday, 5 December 1991

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(a) the proponent of a proposal that has an environmental impact;

(b) any other person that the Environment Minister believes on reasonable grounds to have an interest directly affected by the proposal; and

(c) any other person that the Environment Minister considers appropriate;

convene a meeting of such persons for the purposes of -

(d) clarifying the proposal or concerns relating to the proposal;

(e) clarifying the report of a panel established to conduct an Inquiry into the proposal; or

(f) discussing any ways in which the proposal could be modified in order to reduce or eliminate any potential or adverse environmental impact.". 

MR MOORE (6.04): Mr Speaker, this is one of the clauses that were adjusted earlier. The attempt then was to remove "directly affected". We took out the words "directly affected" and the Assembly agreed to put in the words "in the". Now, Mr Jensen, I believe, has foreshadowed an amendment to this amendment which will achieve the same goal, I believe. The reality is that this one has been debated. The substituted wording does provide, as I understand it, the ability to stave off a problem that we may have created. Therefore, I am quite happy to accept the amendment, provided it carries the amendment that I believe Mr Jensen is about to move.

MR JENSEN (6.05): I move the - - -

Mr Wood: We are just going backwards. I thought we had agreed on this.

MR JENSEN: Mr Wood, I told your people that I was not prepared - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! Just proceed, please, Mr Jensen.

MR JENSEN: I move:

Proposed subclause 127(1), line 4, omit "directly".

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