Page 5723 - Week 17 - Thursday, 5 December 1991

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MR JENSEN (5.54): We have supported this proposal by Mr Moore in the past and we will continue to support it. We believe that it is an important aspect. It may be that the Territory Planning Authority is going to have more than enough time now to reconsider, as they go into the second stage of the development of the plan, some of the strategic aspects of the Territory Plan. It may be that by the time we see a final plan in this Assembly this strategic information will be provided. Therefore, on that basis, Mr Moore's amendment is quite appropriate, we believe. It will probably be nine months, possibly even 12 months, before the final Territory Plan is available and passes through this Assembly. That is too long, I think, not to keep our eye on the ball in relation to the need for strategic planning in the ACT. That is why we again support this amendment proposed by Mr Moore.

MR WOOD (Minister for Education and the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (5.56): The amendment says that "all variations to the Plan prepared by the Authority shall be in accordance with the document known as the Metropolitan Policy Plan". It goes on a little more. The problem is that we do not know what the Metropolitan Policy Plan is saying. I did make some - - -

Mr Jensen: What do you mean?

MR WOOD: You may say that, but the fact is that it has been partly revoked in a number of very significant areas. On inquiry, we understand that we will not be able to identify what has been removed; what precise points will be essential each time a matter is to be considered. The Metropolitan Policy Plan now is a hacked-about document. It is not a document that can be readily interpreted. It has changed significantly. Its application, because of changes, is no longer as it was. Mr Moore is not happy to hear that, but if you impose this upon the legislation you will be building up difficulties that will be impossible to surmount.

MR COLLAERY (5.57): When this debate occurred at the beginning of our discussion of this Bill we read into the record the references to policies revoked in part from the Metropolitan Policy Plan. I clearly recall referring in debate to the appendices to the National Capital Plan. I referred to those delineations of variations set out at page 23 in appendix C of that document. Mr Moore recalls that, and so does Mr Jensen, and I would say, with respect, that the Minister and his advisers have had time to respond to our statement. The response is, "We do not know what it is". Well, there is a compendious document here that says what has resulted in - - -

Mr Wood: It does not.

MR COLLAERY: If I can be corrected, I will accept that correction, Mr Wood. The fact is, as I read it, that a very detailed study has been conducted, in the drafting of the National Capital Plan, that sets out the residual

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