Page 5721 - Week 17 - Thursday, 5 December 1991

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"(3) Where an interim Heritage Places Register that has been submitted to the Authority pursuant to section 62 is not submitted to the Executive in a draft Plan variation before the expiration of the applicable period, the Authority shall, within 28 days after the expiration of that period, submit a statement in writing to the Executive setting out the reasons why the Authority did not include the Register in a draft Plan variation.".

Mr Wood: We have agreed to these.

MR JENSEN: Yes, Mr Speaker, these have been agreed to by the Government. I thank the Government for that and wish them a speedy passage.

Amendments agreed to.

Clause, as amended, agreed to.

Clause 14

MR JENSEN (5.50): Mr Speaker, I wish to withdraw my amendment related to defined land. We have lost this one.

Clause agreed to.

MR MOORE (5.51): Mr Speaker, I move, under standing order 187:

That clause 15 be reconsidered.

MR SPEAKER: I think I have to disallow that, Mr Moore, as it has been negatived earlier this day.

MR MOORE: Mr Speaker, I point out that it was negatived as an amendment to a motion. I have spoken to members and I believe that I have the numbers now to put it as a motion.

MR SPEAKER: All right.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Clause 15

MR MOORE (5.51): Mr Speaker, I move:

Page 8, line 36, add the following subclause:

"(3) All variations to the Plan prepared by the Authority shall be in accordance with the document known as the Metropolitan Policy Plan (1984) until that policy plan is replaced by a further comprehensive strategy for the long term development of land in the Territory.".

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