Page 5714 - Week 17 - Thursday, 5 December 1991

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MR JENSEN (5.26): I am sorry, Mr Speaker. This is mine.

I move:

Page 2, line 34, add at the end of the definition of "inquiry", "or an inquiry established under the Inquiries Act 1991.".

This provides the sort of flexibility that we were talking about. I think we have already discussed it. I have made the point. I formally move that to provide flexibility for the Minister for the future.

MR SPEAKER: Members, are you happy to proceed with this amendment, not having seen it in writing?

MR WOOD (Minister for Education and the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (5.27): If I can speak against that, it is a separate issue. I do not think it adds to it. That is still a provision that can be applied in the circumstances as appropriate. We do not need it.

MR JENSEN (5.28): Mr Speaker, I beg to differ with Mr Wood. The definition of "inquiry" in this legislation is very clear. It says "under Division 4 of Part IV". We need to make the point that this was an alternative to the Government in relation to the issue of powers of search and seizure.

Mr Berry: It is not necessary.

MR JENSEN: Mr Berry, your turn will come. It relates to the definition and removes some of what we consider to be inappropriate clauses in respect of powers of search and seizure under Division 4 of Part IV.

Amendment negatived.

Clause agreed to.

Clause 5

MR JENSEN (5.29), by leave: I move:

Page 4, lines 3 to 7, subparagraph (b)(iii) of the definition of "background papers", omit "recommendation", substitute "submission".

Page 4, lines 10 and 11, subparagraphs (b)(v) and (vi) of the definition of "background papers", omit the subparagraphs, substitute the following subparagraphs:

 "(v) any relevant environmental report;

 (vi) the report of any relevant Inquiry;

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