Page 5710 - Week 17 - Thursday, 5 December 1991

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Schedule 2

MR JENSEN (5.13): Mr Speaker, I withdraw my circulated amendment No. 103, but I think it important that I put a couple of comments on the record to make sure that everyone knows what I am doing. I have been advised, after discussions with Mr Wood's staff, that the definition of "variation of a lease" does include surrender and regrant. On that basis, I withdraw my circulated amendment No. 103, on the clear understanding, on the advice that I have been given, that a variation of a lease does include surrender and regrant.

Mr Wood: Yes, that is clear.

MR JENSEN: Thank you.

Amendment (by Mr Wood) agreed to:

Page 133, Schedule 2, item 4, omit "Territory".

Schedule, as amended, agreed to.

Schedule 3

MR MOORE (5.14): I withdraw the amendment I circulated. Mr Wood's staff pointed out that where it applies to a body corporate there is a fivefold increase, which I accept. I shall withdraw my proposed amendment No. 10. Is it better for me to deal with my proposed amendment No. 11 now, Mr Speaker?

MR SPEAKER: No, we will do Mr Jensen's first.

MR JENSEN (5.15): I understand what Mr Moore is talking about. I move:

Item 7, page 134, column 3, omit "$5,000", substitute "$20,000".

What we are talking about here is mining otherwise than in accordance with an approval. For goodness sake, a fine of $5,000 for a body corporate, or even $100,000, quite frankly, for illegal mining of, say, the Murrumbidgee River, is insufficient. If one looks at more modern legislation in relation to environmental damage, in some cases we are talking that sort of money per day while they continue their mining operations.

It seems to me that $5,000, or even $25,000, for a body corporate for illegal mining of, say, the Murrumbidgee River to take sand out is, quite frankly, not sufficient. I am quite happy for a body corporate to pay a fine of $100,000 for illegal mining within the ACT. I think it is quite appropriate. I note Mr Kaine nodding and I am pleased to see support for that.

Mr Moore: Up to $100,000.

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