Page 5707 - Week 17 - Thursday, 5 December 1991

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(vi) a place which is a notable example of a class of natural or cultural places or landscapes and which demonstrates the principal characteristics of that class;

(vii) a place which has strong or special associations with person, group, event, development or cultural phase which played a significant part in local or national history;

(viii) a place which represents the evolution of a natural landscape, including significant geological features, landforms, biota or natural processes;

(ix) a place which is a significant habitat or locality for the life cycle of native species; for rare, endangered or uncommon species; for species at the limits of their natural range; or for district occurrences of species;

(x) a place which exhibits unusual richness, diversity or significant transitions of flora, fauna or natural landscapes and their elements; or

(xi) a place which demonstrates a likelihood of providing information which will contribute significantly to a wider understanding of natural or cultural history, by virtue of its use as a research site, teaching site, type locality or benchmark site.".

As an amendment about this has been included in the legislation, I expect that this will go through with flying colours.

Proposed new schedule agreed to.

MR JENSEN (5.11): Mr Speaker, I do not think there is any point in proceeding with my proposal to put in proposed new Schedule 1B.

MR SPEAKER: I will wait until the Minister catches up.

Mr Wood: We just want to check. We are not going to oppose anything. If it has been accepted, we are going to accept it.

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