Page 5705 - Week 17 - Thursday, 5 December 1991

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MR COLLAERY (5.06): If it is left as "any person", that literally is it - any person. There is absolutely no threshold for involvement on the issue. There could be someone in some remote reaches out of the country or across Australia who wants to do something about self-government - one of Mr Stevenson's band, for instance. There must be a test of effect of some kind, in law.

Amendment negatived.

Clause agreed to.

Clauses 236 to 273, by leave, taken together

MR WOOD (Minister for Education and the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (5.07), by leave: I move:

Clause 240, page 110, line 6, subclause 240(3), omit "1 or 2", substitute "2 or 3".

Clause 269, page 122, line 16, after "267", insert "(1)".

Clause 270, page 122, line 31, subclause 270(1), after "267", insert "(1)".

Clause 270, page 123, line 9, subclause 270(2), after "267", insert "(1)".

Clause 271, page 124, line 14, paragraph 271(4)(e), omit "1 month", substitute "28 days".

MR SPEAKER: Are we all aware of what is happening, members?

Mr Kaine: Yes.

MR WOOD: It is routine. There is nothing philosophic about it.

Amendments agreed to.

Clauses, as amended, agreed to.

Clause 274

MR MOORE (5.09): It seemed to me, when I circulated amendments to this clause, that there was inadequate time for people to appeal to the tribunal. However, in discussions with Mr Wood and his officers they explained that there is the time prior to the actual review. People would have prepared those things. I have accepted his point of view and I am prepared not to move those amendments.

MR SPEAKER: Is that your amendments Nos 12 and 13?

MR MOORE: Both my amendments, Nos 12 and 13. I withdraw those circulated amendments.

Clause agreed to.

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