Page 5699 - Week 17 - Thursday, 5 December 1991

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MR MOORE: Mr Jensen has agreed that mine is a little more straightforward and has the other advantage that the Minister has already agreed to it. That gives it a great deal more benefit. I move:

Page 104, line 31, omit "The Minister may, by instrument, require an applicant to", substitute "An applicant shall".

People nearby where a development is going to occur will know because the Minister will require that a sign be erected in a conspicuous place on the property. The Minister will set the conditions as to how that sign will appear. I think that is an eminently sensible way to go. People near where a development is going to occur will know what it is and will understand exactly what is going to occur.

MR JENSEN (4.48): Mr Speaker, for the record, the Government had agreed to my amendment; but I accept that subsequent to that there has been some redrafting. The Rally accepts this revised amendment by Mr Moore.

MR SPEAKER: Do you wish to move your amendments?

MR JENSEN: I withdraw my circulated amendments Nos 97 and 98.

MR SPEAKER: What about No. 99?

MR JENSEN: No, I have Nos 97 and 98 here.

MR SPEAKER: All right. We disagree on that, anyway.

MR JENSEN: I think Nos 99 and 100 are together. I think they are different issues, Mr Speaker. I am sorry; you are correct. I withdraw Nos 97, 98, 99 and 100.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause, as amended, agreed to.

Clause 228 agreed to.

Clause 229

MR JENSEN (4.50): I move:

Page 106, line 9, after subclause 229(1), insert the following subclause:

"(1A) The considerations by the Minister by section (1) shall involve information on joint discussions and meetings between the parties, including those who commented during the public consultation period, and the relevant authorities, sponsored by the Authority, for the purpose of explanation,

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