Page 5696 - Week 17 - Thursday, 5 December 1991

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Clause 224

MR JENSEN (4.38): I move:

Page 102, line 9, paragraph 224(1)(a), omit "made available", substitute "prescribed".

This is an amendment to paragraph 224(1)(a). It proposes the omission of "made available" and the insertion of the word "prescribed". I am not sure whether the Minister is going to agree with that. Up until recently the indication was that he would not. I think it is not inappropriate for the Minister or his or her delegate to actually prescribe a form. It is a process that is used quite regularly in this sort of legislation, and I think it is not an inappropriate way to go.

MR WOOD (Minister for Education and the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (4.39): We oppose this, Mr Speaker. Traditionally, the Government does not get into the routine prescription of every form, which is, it seems, what Mr Jensen wants to do - in keeping with a lot of things that have happened. Let us stay out of that area. I think this provision as it stands is fine.

Amendment negatived.

Clause agreed to.

Clause 225 agreed to.

Clause 226

MR JENSEN (4.40): I move:

Page 103, line 34, after subclause (4), add the following subclause:

"(5) Information related to design and siting shall not be excluded from being made available to the public or for public inspection or both.".

This issue of the availability of information related to design and siting has been a very vexed one in the ACT. There have been occasions when officers of the department, particularly in the building section, have used the excuse that they are not able to provide information on design and siting situations, on height, size, shape, et cetera, because of some sort of restriction.

We believe that half the problems associated with community concern about a number of issues in development are due to the fact that this sort of information is not available, or only partially made available. That is why we believe that it is important for this information to be available to the

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