Page 5690 - Week 17 - Thursday, 5 December 1991

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MR MOORE (4.24): Mr Speaker, I am glad to have this opportunity to speak again. I hear Mr Wood arguing that we are going to somehow or other break down the committee system by providing committees with information. That is absolute nonsense, and also an abrogation of the concept of open government, to say the least. What we had a short while ago, prior to the guillotine being moved on this debate, was a cooperative effort, following up on four or five years of work, to try to get what members considered the best possible planning legislation for this place.

What we have now is a push to rush things through at the last moment in an appalling way. In this situation, members' natural reaction, instead of debating propositions and coming through with sensible compromises and understanding each other's views, is just to try to steamroll the rest of this Bill through. It is an appalling situation, Mr Speaker. Of course, in making this comment, I reflect on the vote of the Assembly, and I will try not to do that too much in the future.

MR WOOD (Minister for Education and the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (4.25): Mr Speaker, there is some misapprehension here. These things are not going just for information, because, if we look at the proposed amendment to clause 202 - again, a path we have been down - we see that it locks it down.

Mr Jensen: I am being consistent.

MR WOOD: You are going to stop this sitting, Mr Jensen, the way you are going. It is very clearly your intention to do so, and that is the path that you are quite persistent about.

Proposed new clause agreed to.

Clause 202

MR JENSEN (4.27): I move:

Page 93, line 19, after "shall", insert "consider any recommendations relating to the draft by a committee of the Legislative Assembly that considers the draft under section 201A and -".

This amendment provides for a requirement for the responsible Minister to consider recommendations relating to a draft made by the committee of the Legislative Assembly that considers it. It is consistent with previous comments in relation to this matter. The Minister does not have to accept the recommendations, but he must consider the recommendations.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause, as amended, agreed to.

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