Page 5681 - Week 17 - Thursday, 5 December 1991

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MR JENSEN: I move:

Clause 1(a), omit "5.30", substitute "6"; clause 1(b), omit "6", substitute "7".

Mr Berry: The count comes after 7. That means that we conclude about 7.30. It has to be 6.30, Norm.

Motion (by Mr Collaery) agreed to:

That the question be now put.

Mr Kaine: Can we be clear what his amendment is?

MR SPEAKER: Yes. The question is that in clause 1(a) we omit "5.30" and substitute "6"; and in clause 1(b) we omit "6" and insert "7". In fact, Mr Jensen, those two times are mentioned in clause 2 as well. Would you take account of that when you write the amendment out.

Mr Berry: What about 6.30, Norm? You will lose it if you do not go for 6.30, I am telling you.

Mr Jensen: What is wrong with 7?

Mr Kaine: Some of us have other commitments that we have entered into.

Mr Berry: If you go for 7 you will lose; that is what is wrong with it.

Mr Jensen: We all have commitments.

Mr Wood: Well, 6.30 you can have.

Mr Berry: You have no choice.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Jensen, are you prepared to withdraw your amendment and move an amended one?

Mr Jensen: Yes, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you. Will you just rephrase your amendment to omit "5.30" wherever occurring and insert "6", and, where "6" occurs, insert "6.30", because the times appear in clause 1 and in clause 2.

Amendments (by Mr Jensen) agreed to:

Omit "5.30" wherever occurring, substitute "6"; Omit "6" wherever occurring, substitute "6.30".

Motion, as amended, agreed to.

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