Page 5633 - Week 17 - Thursday, 5 December 1991

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(a) a copy of the lease;

(b) a statement of the amount (if any) paid for the grant of the lease; and

(c) a copy of any agreement collateral to the lease;

to be laid before the Legislative Assembly within 5 sitting days after the day on which the lease is granted.".

I do not think we need say any more on that.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause, as amended, agreed to.

Clause 163

MR JENSEN (12.08): I move:

Page 75, line 9, subclause 163(1), after "desirable", insert "and in the public interest".

Mr Kaine: We accept, if it is in the public interest. There is no need to talk to us.

Mr Wood: Are we considering only your amendment No. 76?


Mr Wood: We will not argue about it. We think it is already there.

Amendment agreed to.

MR JENSEN (12.09), by leave: I move:

Page 75, line 14, subclause 163(2), omit "pursuant to Subsection (3)", substitute "Schedule 1G".

Page 75, lines 16 to 19, subclauses 163(3) and (4), omit the subclauses.

The reasons are the same. This is another schedule. This one applies to the granting of special leases. We could argue that this is very important. I have added there, once again, that the applicant must demonstrate to the Minister that the proposal is in the public interest. We think it is important for that to be included.

MR WOOD (Minister for Education and the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (12.09): The Government disagrees. Our arguments hold.

Amendments negatived.

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