Page 5630 - Week 17 - Thursday, 5 December 1991

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Mr Moore: That is a more cooperative way of doing things. That is positive.

Mr Wood: Well, we could do it now. We are not going to be able to do this - - -

MR JENSEN: Just amend it. We will accept it and get on with it and have a vote.

MR WOOD (Minister for Education and the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (12.02): I will have an amendment for you in a moment. Let me point out that we can do this on a great number of clauses. I am talking here for a moment to fill in time.

Mr Kaine: That is what everybody else has been doing, Bill. Feel free.

MR WOOD: Exactly, Mr Kaine. I come back to the problem of this great pile of amendments that you presented to us at the very last minute. We spent every available minute we could trying to discuss these matters, trying to find resolutions, and I am not about to take blame for not wanting to talk about these things. So, bear with us. I want to get this through today. It is urgent that it go through today.

I cannot respond on each and every one of these and write them into the legislation. We know that there is going to be a number of amendments coming up next year and this would have been one of them. Mr Deputy Speaker, I will move an amendment to subclause 160(8) and I will pass that around.

MR COLLAERY (12.03): Whilst that is being done, Mr Deputy Speaker, I will respond to Mr Wood. We do appreciate the lengthy consultations and the ongoing assistance provided by Mr Wood's knowledgeable advisers and the parliamentary drafting office. We are grateful for that. We just explain generally to Mr Wood that the pressures in the Rally have been sustained on a daily basis now for several months. It is a matter of resources. We will not raise the resources issue again.

Mr Kaine: If you have internal stresses, Bernard, that is your problem. We do not have any in the Liberal Party.

MR COLLAERY: Mr Kaine has his six staff members and has produced fewer than six amendments. That is an issue. Let us have that on the record.

MR JENSEN (12.04): In the interests of this issue, I am prepared to withdraw my amendment No. 72 to enable Mr Wood's amendment to go through.

Amendment No. 72, by leave, withdrawn.

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