Page 5626 - Week 17 - Thursday, 5 December 1991

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The only difference is an addition to the draft disallowable instruments that were prepared. I think they were very similar to the ones prepared by the Alliance Government. These were prepared and tabled by the Minister, Mr Wood. The addition is the requirement for the grant to be in the public interest. In clause 1 it says, "demonstrate to the Minister that the proposal is in the public interest". I think that is important. We have already discussed this. I commend to the Assembly the inclusion of these criteria in the legislation, for the same reasons that I have given in the past.

MR WOOD (Minister for Education and the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (11.51): Mr Deputy Speaker, the Government opposes Mr Jensen's amendments. I think we have been down this track; we have argued it. It is perhaps even less appropriate to have schedules here than elsewhere. They are appropriate disallowable instruments. They can be well attended to in that way, if you have any concerns. You are cluttering up the Bill. You are imposing a rigidity that is not needed. It is no advance on anything. We do not do this in a whole range of areas; I do not think we need to do it here.

Amendments negatived.

MR JENSEN (11.53), by leave: I move:

(71) Page 73, lines 27 to 30, subclause 160(7), omit the subclause, substitute the following subclause:

"(7) Subject to subsection (8), where the Executive grants a lease under paragraph (1)(d), it shall cause -

(a) a copy of the lease;

(b) a statement of the amount (if any) paid for the grant of the lease; and

(c) a copy of any agreement collateral to the lease;

to be laid before the Legislative Assembly within 5 sitting days after the day on which the lease is granted.".

(72) Page 73, line 31 to page 74, line 3, subclause 160(8), omit the subclause.

I understand that the Government has agreed to accept my amendment No. 71, the first one.

Mr Wood: We have agreed to No. 71, not No. 72.

MR JENSEN: Okay, fine. I guess that we will have to vote on it.

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