Page 5594 - Week 17 - Wednesday, 4 December 1991

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I think we have to be very careful of what we are talking about here. We have to go back into the legislation to make sure what an inquiry is all about. Looking at schedules 2 and 3, which relate to controlled activities, it could be quite possible for an inquiry to be conducted under this legislation into the use of residential land for the carrying on of a profession, trade, occupation or calling on the land. An environmental impact assessment might be quite appropriate because there might be, for example, a panel beater or a garage operating in a local area. So, it would be quite possible for that to come within these requirements. It would be mandatory under the Territory Plan for an environmental impact assessment to be conducted.

I think we have to be very careful before we stand up in this place and say that the powers for an inquiry are very limited. I have a little concern about that. That is why we are being a little cautious in relation to this matter.

MR MOORE (6.31): Mr Speaker, I will move that the debate be adjourned.

Mr Wood: No. Why?

MR MOORE: You have just circulated - - -

MR SPEAKER: You have already spoken to the question.

Mr Wood: Yes, all right. I have just circulated some amendments to clause 151, Michael. They are a little way away.

Mr Collaery: Why was this not circulated earlier?

Mr Connolly: You people run them off like printers.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Moore, do you wish to proceed?

MR MOORE: All right, I will seek leave of the Assembly to move an adjournment, Mr Speaker. We are debating clause 151. Mr Wood has just circulated a significant amendment to clause 151 and I believe that it is an appropriate time to break anyway. It will be something that we will need to consider in detail.

Leave granted.

MR MOORE: I move:

That the debate be now adjourned.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

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