Page 5579 - Week 17 - Wednesday, 4 December 1991

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specifically mentioned in the legislation as receiving one free. I do not think it is appropriate to make that specific prescription, and I therefore move as an amendment to Mr Moore's paragraph (2)(b):

Omit all words after "Service", in proposed subparagraph (2)(b).

In other words, I am removing the words "and to the Conservation Council of the South-East Region and Canberra (Inc.)". I do not believe that it is at all appropriate to mention a specific organisation in a Bill in that way. I do not think it is at all appropriate to deal with that organisation any differently from literally dozens of other organisations who would have just as much interest in the subject. It is almost a specific discrimination in favour of this organisation, and I oppose it. Apart from that, I thought Mr Moore's amendment was acceptable, and I will support it.

MR WOOD (Minister for Education and the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (5.35): I note Mr Kaine's concern. I point out that the conservation council is a peak body. It encompasses a great number of other bodies. This clause does, however, presuppose that the conservation council is going to continue forever. If some factor arises whereby the conservation council does not exist any more, there is nowhere for a copy to go.

Mr Kaine: Or even reconstitutes itself in some way.

MR WOOD: If it reconstitutes itself under a separate name, if we want to be meticulous about it we may need to amend the legislation. I am not sure that that need happen, however. We are prepared to accept the full impact of Mr Moore's amendment. I note that we are giving this to a body, but it is a peak body and covers a wide range of groups.

Mr Jensen: It has an excellent library.

MR WOOD: I think it is an easy way of circulating information. Mr Jensen makes the point that it has an excellent library that is well used by a wide range of people. So, it is a sensible arrangement, and we will be supporting the full amendment.

Amendment (Mr Kaine's) to amendment negatived.

Amendment (Mr Moore's) agreed to.

MR JENSEN (5.37): Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, I do not think my amendment is appropriate now because the amendment to subclause 116(2) has been lost. I think it is probably appropriate not to proceed with amendment No. 62.

Clause, as amended, agreed to.

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