Page 5572 - Week 17 - Wednesday, 4 December 1991

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MR MOORE (5.06): I have some problems with this amendment. I think, conceptually, Mr Jensen has recognised a series of problems, and I think that those problems do need to be dealt with. However, I think that the system of dealing with them in these schedules is not an appropriate way to deal with them. Taking the schedule from the draft Territory Plan means that we have a schedule that is really open for discussion. And while we have a draft Territory Plan open for discussion, we, as an Assembly, would be put into an inappropriate position if we suddenly make parts of it law. I think that is the effect of Mr Jensen's approach on this particular issue.

I want to emphasise that I think it appropriate that he has drawn our attention to these problems. I can understand why he went about it this way, and I think that it was a quite innovative way to go about it. I am also aware of the amount of work that has been done in this area in the last little while by Mr Jensen and, in fact, Mr Wood's officers and most people who are involved in planning. Because of that, I feel that it is inappropriate to support this particular amendment. In fact, this is the first of Mr Jensen's amendments that I have not supported. By and large, I think that they are indeed entirely appropriate. Mr Jensen has done very well, actually, in this chamber with his amendments.

Mr Jensen: I finally got a cartoon.

MR MOORE: Mr Jensen has been waiting for a long time to be drawn by Geoff Pryor. I think, therefore, that it is better that we turn back to the Minister. I understand that he has a reply to Mr Jensen on his particular concerns.

MR WOOD (Minister for Education and the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (5.08): I mention a couple of aspects of this matter. Mr Jensen indicated that he was trying to overcome a problem and I think he suggested, maybe, that what he was proposing might not be perfect. I think that has proved to be the case. He has a concern on the basis that the plan will not be available for a while yet, and that is certainly the case. But my clear understanding, Mr Jensen and Mr Moore, is that it does not matter if the plan is not in place for some time, because the concerns that Mr Jensen has can be accommodated by clause 112, whereby the Minister may take such action as you can read in that clause. It may be, of course, that that does not satisfy Mr Jensen - - -

Mr Jensen: You can drive a truck through that, Bill.

MR WOOD: I cannot win on these matters with you. But, beyond that, it is not appropriate to deal with this at this stage. We will address these matters in greater detail as well in the consequential legislation.

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