Page 5559 - Week 17 - Wednesday, 4 December 1991

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MR COLLAERY (4.24): Mr Speaker, Mr Moore should be aware that the accepted terminology is "a newspaper circulating in the Territory". To restrict it to a daily newspaper is to exclude business going to the Chronicle, the Valley View and other community newspapers. I do not think Mr Moore intends that, but I want to point out to him - - -

Mr Moore: It does not exclude it. It means that it must be in at least the daily newspaper.

MR COLLAERY: I see. Okay, I take it that there will be two advertisements, in other words.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause, as amended, agreed to.

Clause 62 agreed to.

Clause 63

MR JENSEN (4.25): I seek leave to move my amendments Nos 49 and 50 together.

Leave granted.

MR JENSEN: I move:

Page 30, line 28, paragraph 63(1)(a), omit "and".

After paragraph 63(1)(b), add the following word and paragraph: "; and (c) it would be in the public interest for the Territory to acquire the place.".

I understand that the first one would have been picked up in the redrafting of the Bill by the Clerk, but I have moved it on the basis of the way that it was proposed. All I am proposing here is an important additional criterion for when the Executive may, on behalf of the Territory, acquire a place listed on the Heritage Places Register. I think it is important to provide this sort of distinction and to give the Government or the Executive the opportunity to apply one more test in relation to whether to acquire a place, such as Calthorpes' House, for example - or the house that Mr Connolly proposes to sell in Griffith very shortly - that test being whether in fact it is in the public interest to actually put it onto the register. I think that is an interesting criterion that should be applied.

Members will see that criterion come up a little later on when we are talking about some of the schedules that I have attached to this legislation. I think it is important that we put this test in place, because it also provides the Executive with an opportunity to explain why something is or is not in the public interest. It may enable it to justify why it has decided not to take an action when such a matter is raised with it.

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