Page 5541 - Week 17 - Wednesday, 4 December 1991

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I appreciate that this debate was won and lost yesterday, but there is one issue that I want to put on the record. It was a matter that Mr Wood probably will recall because he was present at a public meeting last night where the issue of the possible - - -

Mr Wood: Not the committee that you have specified here.

MR JENSEN: No, that is correct, Mr Wood, and that is the point that I am about to make. In fact, the committee in which I was involved in the past in relation to planning advice to the Territory Planning Authority was of the type that was discussed at the meeting last night. In view of the comments that were made last night at that meeting, which to me seemed eminently sensible, I am raising this matter today to see whether the Minister will undertake to take on board the points that were raised with a view to establishing a more broadly based community advisory committee to the Planning Authority along the lines that were suggested. It seems to me an eminently sensible opportunity.

As Mr Wood said last night, many of the comments that were made at that meeting last night were very sensible and very well thought out. I think they were most appropriate for community participation in what is, after all, a very important aspect of the planning of our city. Mr Wood may seek to respond to my comments along these lines when we were talking about this particular proposal. I accept that I do not have the numbers; but, maybe as a compromise, Mr Wood may seek to encourage the establishment of a committee similar to the one that was suggested last night.

MR WOOD (Minister for Education and the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (3.24): Mr Speaker, I was at that meeting last night. My view has not changed. That meeting last night was, as you would be aware, very keen about the issue of West Belconnen. When these matters arise there is every opportunity to consult with that community. You would also know that the Follett Government is very accepting of the idea of neighbourhood groups and of consulting with them. Our actions have consistently shown that.

I do not have any anxiety at all about the level of consultation between the Government and the community or, indeed, between the Assembly and the community. Nor do I have any anxiety about the level of consultation between the Planning Authority and the community.

I think the particular case of an advisory committee to the Planning Authority is not the same as a Youth Advisory Committee or the host of other advisory committees we have. I see it as a further impediment that Mr Jensen is seeking to put on what is already a very open, consultative and free system. It is simply unnecessary.

Proposed new division negatived.

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