Page 5534 - Week 17 - Wednesday, 4 December 1991

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MR SPEAKER: Mr Collaery, do you wish to withdraw the amendment?

MR COLLAERY: No, Mr Speaker.

MR CONNOLLY (Attorney-General, Minister for Housing and Community Services and Minister for Urban Services) (3.18): I just wonder whether Mr Collaery would reconsider withdrawing because, as he says, the position is now clear. Mr Wood has indicated, as the Minister, what the intention of the provision is. It would be unfortunate if Hansard and the Minutes of Proceedings record a vote on an amendment to cover liabilities. It would be helpful if, in fact, the amendment were withdrawn so that it is abundantly clear that it covers liabilities and that there is not a record appearing of the Assembly rejecting the extension to cover liabilities.

MR JENSEN (3.19): No, Mr Speaker, we want the amendment to proceed; but we will not call for a division.

MR SPEAKER: I think, Mr Jensen, you are fully aware of how that will be recorded in the Hansard - that the vote of the house was against your quite worthwhile amendment. That is all we are saying.


Amendment negatived.

MR SPEAKER: The next question is Mr Jensen's amendment No. 39. You will need to seek leave because you have addressed this clause a number of times, Mr Jensen.

MR JENSEN (3.19), by leave: I move:

Page 21, line 18, subclause 46(2), omit "the Chief Planner", substitute "he or she".

It is self-explanatory, and I will sit down.

MR WOOD (Minister for Education and the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (3.19): Mr Speaker, I will not be long, but I am going to complain about it.

Mr Jensen: Well, it did not come from me. It was consequential.

MR WOOD: Consequential? Well, I am not sure that we really need it. It is quite clear what it is. To substitute "he or she" there really slows us down. This slowing down of the process is what worries me, so I will not slow it down any more.

Amendment negatived.

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