Page 5531 - Week 17 - Wednesday, 4 December 1991

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In relation to the period of six months, I note the comments by both of my colleagues; but might I suggest that in the case of an appointment as important as that of Chief Planner of the ACT, particularly now that we have agreed that the Chief Planner is directly responsible to the Minister, the quicker we make those sorts of arrangements within the appropriate bounds the better, and a six-month period is not inappropriate.

I would hate to see a person appointed temporarily to that job for much longer than six months. I think it is better in the circumstances of that position to get the person appointed and on the job as quickly as possible. I guess that was the reason for that. I am obviously not going to die in a ditch over it. We will not be calling for a division on it.

MR WOOD (Minister for Education and the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (3.11): Mr Speaker, we have substantial agreement on Mr Jensen's amendment No. 35. It is really irrelevant because it is covered in other ways. It is covered under the Acts Interpretation Act. It does not really need to be there; but, like you, we will not die in a ditch over it.

Ordered that the question be divided.

Amendment No. 33 agreed to.

Amendment No. 34 negatived.

Amendment No. 35 agreed to.

Clause, as amended, agreed to.

Clauses 44 and 45, by leave, taken together, and agreed to.

Clause 46

MR JENSEN (3.12): I seek leave to move my amendments Nos 36, 37 and 39 together because I think they are related. Amendments Nos 38 and 40 are not related to those first three.

MR SPEAKER: I think the idea would be to do Nos 36 and 37 together first, Mr Jensen.

MR JENSEN: All right. I will follow that course, Mr Speaker.

Leave granted.

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