Page 5465 - Week 17 - Tuesday, 3 December 1991

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Aquatech Pty.Ltd Review of water quality at LMWQCC 7 weeks $10 000

Envirocon Consulting

Engineering Seconary Treatment facilities review,

of hydraulic capacity 1 month $6 500

Erldunda Associates ACTEW Electrical Standards develop & document

policy on bushfire aspects of risk management 4 1/2 months $5 700

R Howard & Associates ACTEW Electrical Standards develop & document

policy of bushfire aspects of risk management 1 1/2 months $5 700

Clark Hummerston OH&S review current priorities, drafting policy, .

planning mechanisms, appropriate performance

indicators 1 months $7 500

State Electricity Commission

Victoria All-in-One - examination.of AWACS cost benefits

cost benefits 2 days $10 000

Techway Solutions Pty Ltd Develop computerised data retrieval system for

discharge licence compliance 2 months $16 465

Therrel Pty Ltd Stromlo Water Treatment fluoride design equipment

electrical specifications 1 week $9 275

Towers Perrin Forster

& Crosby Review structure & functions of Human Resource

Division 6 weeks $7 000

Towers Perrin Forster

-& Crosby Job evaluation of SES Level positions - Phase 1 9 weeks $

13 000

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