Page 5456 - Week 17 - Tuesday, 3 December 1991

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MR COLLAERY: The fact is, Mr Wood, that he is in no different a situation from yours. We would not suggest that you were being negligent on these issues, and we would suggest that you refrain from casting those aspersions this way. We are committed, we thought equally, to the future of the city. Clearly, the Labor Party is not. The Chief Minister smiles. Let the record show "smile".

Mr Berry: She is laughing at you.

MR COLLAERY: She is laughing. Fine. More votes.

MR MOORE (6.45): Mr Speaker, I rise to oppose this amendment. The reason is not that I oppose the concept of a planning advisory committee, because I think a planning advisory committee does have a place. I think that the appointment of this planning advisory committee under the legislation is not necessary. I was tempted, Mr Speaker, to take us back to November 1989 when Mr Collaery, still in a fit of pike because of the fact that I had left the Rally, was - - -

Mr Collaery: Pique.

MR MOORE: Mr Collaery interjects "Pique". No, I see Mr Collaery as a piker. The point, Mr Speaker, is that, in reading back through the motion for a proposed environmental advisory council, the speech of Mr Collaery is indeed full of emotion. I suppose that, if we were to go back and look at my own speeches at that time, one would also find them full of similar emotion and vitriol as well. Perhaps it may do well then not to revisit those. However, I think that we must avoid losing the concept of a planning advisory committee because the concept is a quite good one. I think that it is important for this Minister and future Ministers to establish a planning advisory committee to get the best advice they can from qualified and appropriate members of the public.

So, whilst I do not support having it in this legislation, I do think that a planning committee is a good idea, and I would strongly recommend to the Minister that he consider that as a possibility. I appreciate the interest he is paying at the moment. It is, I think, appropriate for him to ensure that he gets the advantage of the expert advice that is in the community, but not necessarily through providing that in legislation.

Amendment negatived.

Clause agreed to.

Clauses 36 to 41, by leave, taken together, and agreed to.

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