Page 5449 - Week 17 - Tuesday, 3 December 1991

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It went on to say:

The Territorial Planning Authority is to establish a Community Consultative Committee which is to include representation from peak community groups, the conservation movement, professional planning organisations, social welfare groups, the unions and the ACT Administration.

Mr Speaker, that is Rally policy, and all we are seeking to do is to incorporate that into this legislation in accordance with our policy. The information in my amendment No. 43 comes out of the legislation that was approved by the Alliance Government and was about to be tabled in the Assembly at that time.

It is very interesting now to see that the Liberal Party appears to have changed their tack on that. Clearly, it had the support of the Alliance Cabinet; otherwise it would not have been included in the legislation. As we all know, the Rally did not have a majority within the Alliance Government. We were only a part of the Alliance Government. So, at some stage or other the rest of the Alliance Cabinet must have agreed to this provision being included in the legislation, and it was; and, of course, it was subsequently taken out. Mr Kaine shakes his head, but it was there. It was in the legislation that was about to be tabled in this Assembly prior to the change of government.

We now find that Mr Wood has looked at the legislation, and this is probably one of the few substantive changes that have been made to the legislation that was proposed by the Alliance Government - that I have been able to find anyway. I think it is important to put that on the record. What we are really talking about is a planning advisory committee that provides assistance and advice from the community at a high level.

Mr Wood: No, you are not. You are not talking about that at all.

MR JENSEN: That is exactly what I am talking about, Mr Wood. I am talking about certain groups within the community being represented on that body - town planning, architecture, engineering, landscape architecture.

Prior to self-government I was involved in a similar sort of organisation, the only difference being that it was a non-statutory organisation. All we are seeking to do by this proposal is to establish, by statute, that organisation in accordance with our policy. I served on that committee, which was a community consultation group, as the chairman of the Tuggeranong Community Council, in

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