Page 5445 - Week 17 - Tuesday, 3 December 1991

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Clause 29 agreed to.

Clauses 30 and 31, by leave, taken together

MR SPEAKER: The question is: That clauses 30 and 31 be agreed to. There are no amendments.

MR JENSEN (6.13): In fact, there should be, Mr Speaker, because this is defined land and I think - - -

MR SPEAKER: There is no amendment. There is no need for anyone to speak to them; they just vote that way. They can speak if they wish, of course; but there is no need to speak. There is no amendment before the house.

Clauses agreed to.

Clauses 32 to 34, by leave, taken together, and agreed to.

Clause 35

MR JENSEN (6.14): I thought I proposed to delete this whole subdivision.

Mr Kaine: You did, but we voted against you.

MR JENSEN: You were talking about clauses, Mr Speaker. My amendment was to omit the subdivision and we did not get to that.

Mr Kaine: Yes, but we voted to leave them as they are.

MR SPEAKER: You can delete subdivisions a clause at a time, surely.

MR JENSEN: Well, it would have saved a lot of time if we had dealt with the subdivision in one hit, Mr Speaker, I would have thought, instead of having to go through the whole thing. You could have taken them all together.

MR SPEAKER: Well, Mr Jensen, please advise me what you want me to do. I asked for your opinion as to whether you wanted the clauses treated together and you said yes. Now the question is: That clause 35 be agreed to.

MR JENSEN: My amendment No. 30 relates to clause 35 and seeks to add a new subclause which reads:

The Authority shall perform its functions in consideration of any advice received from the Planning Advisory Committee established under Division 4A.

I think, Mr Speaker, that probably we have to defer this one until we make a final decision in relation to the addition of a proposed new division in Part II, my amendment No. 43. It relates to that. I think we need to defer this.

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