Page 5426 - Week 17 - Tuesday, 3 December 1991

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to $25 in 1986-87. In 1987-88 our fee was $30 and theirs was $27. For some reason, in 1988-89 we dropped down to $27 and they went up to $28. These figures all relate to motorcycles over 600cc. In 1989-90, we are at $34 and they shot up to $59. That included for the first time New South Wales road tax. In 1990-91 we increased our fee to $41; they increased theirs to $63. This financial year there has been a modest increase in New South Wales to $66. That includes road tax, as it did the year before. Under this Government's proposal, ours shot up from $41 to $105.

I seek leave to table the document I have been referring to. I also seek leave to table a document I referred to earlier, page 4 of the determination. Section 14G sets out the relevant figures.

Leave granted.

MR STEFANIAK: When we reconsidered the proposals of the Government when the motorcycle representatives came to see us, on delving into it we saw the inequity of what was proposed, hence our deciding to go ahead with this course of action. I also indicate that owners of large motorcycles are an ageing part of the population. The common image people might have from 20 or 25 years ago, of bikies riding Trumpies and things like that, is clearly quite unfounded. They are a responsible part of the community. I was told that their average age is approaching 40 or so. One must look also at the power of some of the smaller bikes. A small 250cc bike these days is probably just as powerful as an old 650 of 20 years ago, if not more so.

Those are additional reasons for being sensible here, and they further indicate the inequity of what is being proposed. I hope that the majority of the house will vote in accordance with my motion and that a proper fee will be determined by the Government.

MR CONNOLLY (Attorney-General, Minister for Housing and Community Services and Minister for Urban Services) (5.11): I must commend Mr Stefaniak on a very stirring speech, full of fiery rhetoric and words like "unfair", "slug", "inequity", and all the rest of it, no doubt directed at members of the motorcycling fraternity who are present in the gallery. The speech would have been very compelling but for the fact that six months ago Mr Stefaniak, as part of the Alliance Government, supported precisely these charges. The act that is being attacked today in the Assembly was one of the first formal acts of the incoming Follett Government. It had all been done; it had all been approved. We had presented to us for endorsement a package that had been approved by the former Government, and as part of a vast raft of fees and charges we supported this.

It must be said that it is an act of breathtaking political cynicism to move from supporting a charge when in government to leading public attacks on the charge when in opposition. A degree of consistency would have been

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