Page 5415 - Week 17 - Tuesday, 3 December 1991

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MR WOOD (Minister for Education and the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (4.30): Mr Speaker, I will accept that amendment of Mr Kaine's. I would have rejected the lot of Mr Jensen's amendment, but what Mr Kaine proposes is more reasonable. I thank Mr Moore for his comments and for the discussion we have had. I think that what we have discussed is a sensible way to proceed. The practice will be clearly established that any of the range of notifications will be advertised in the Saturday paper. My giving that commitment might clear a lot of amendments and save a lot of time.

Amendment (Mr Kaine's) agreed to.

Amendment (Mr Jensen's), as amended, agreed to.

Clause, as amended, agreed to.

Proposed new clause 24A

MR JENSEN (4.31): I move amendment No. 22 standing in my name:

Page 13, line 24, after clause 24, insert the following new clause:

"24A. The Executive shall, within 28 days of receiving a draft Plan variation under section 24, refer -

(a) a draft Plan variation; and

(b) the documents referred to in subsection 24(1) that relate to the draft Plan variation;

to an appropriate committee of the Legislative Assembly together with a request that the committee report on the draft Plan to the Legislative Assembly.".

Mr Speaker, this is an amendment that has been accepted by this Assembly in relation to the interim Territory planning legislation. It requires the Executive, within 28 days of receiving a draft plan variation, to refer the draft plan variation and the various documents and background papers that relate to the variation to an appropriate committee of the Assembly, together with a request that the committee report to the Legislative Assembly on the variation. In view of the fact that this has already been supported prior to this by the Assembly as a whole - I acknowledge that the Government may not necessarily accept this - I would hope that this amendment will receive a speedy passage.

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