Page 5411 - Week 17 - Tuesday, 3 December 1991

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MR SPEAKER: The question is: That clause 23 be agreed to. Those of that opinion say Aye; to the contrary, No. I think the Noes have it. The question now is: That clause 24 be agreed to.

Mr Jensen: We said no. You put the question that the clause be agreed to. I said no.

Mr Kaine: You were voting on your amendment to the clause, I thought.

Mr Jensen: Were we voting on the amendment or on the clause?

MR SPEAKER: There is no amendment that I am aware of.

Mr Jensen: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. My amendment No. 20 is to delete clause 23.

MR SPEAKER: There is no point of order. You vote against the clause, for goodness sake. The question was that the clause be agreed to. I have called it and both sides - - -

Mr Jensen: Hang on! We have not voted on the amendment yet, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: There is no amendment, Mr Jensen. Read my lips.

Mr Jensen: I moved amendment No. 20 to clause 23, which was to omit the clause, lines 3 to 5.

MR SPEAKER: All that requires is a vote on the clause, not an amendment to omit something, Mr Jensen. We have been doing that all through these Bills. You have just won your case anyway, Mr Jensen; so what are you arguing about?

Mr Jensen: Mr Speaker, this is an important issue. You will have to recall that clause for further consideration.

Mr Wood: On a point of order: We have been debating Mr Jensen's amendment to delete clause 23.

MR SPEAKER: As I said, Mr Wood, what we have been doing all through these Bills is that, if it is just a straight omission or a deletion, we are not moving an amendment. There has been - - -

Mr Wood: Mr Speaker, can I - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Wood, you do not have the call. Is it the wish of the Assembly that I put the question again? There being no objection, I shall do so.

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