Page 5393 - Week 17 - Tuesday, 3 December 1991

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government that started to get its information through more clearly. We have a long way to go. I think Health still has some difficulty in the financial area. It no doubt has some difficulties in the service area because of some of the criticisms which are levelled at it.

That is partly, probably predominantly, due to the significant restructuring of the hospital system which is occurring at this very moment. I will not go into who should take the credit for the goods and bads of that. The board has a difficult job in front of it. If members could be kind enough to accept the views of the chairman of the board, I think it would help the board get on with its job. I hope that members will do so.

MR HUMPHRIES (3.18): Mr Speaker, I think we are moving into a debate about the substantive motion rather than the suspension of standing orders. I am quite prepared to accept the suspension of standing orders. I think we should get on with the debate rather than have this - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Humphries, you have misunderstood. Leave was granted. There is not a motion for the suspension of standing orders. This is the major debate.

MR HUMPHRIES: I beg your pardon, Mr Speaker. In that case I will make substantive comments on what Mr Berry has said. No, for my part I cannot accept the reasons that Mr Berry gives for wanting to - - -

Mr Berry: Mr Service gives.

MR HUMPHRIES: Well, that may be. It may be that they are Mr Service's views; I do not know. I certainly indicate that, as far as I am concerned, Mr Speaker, I am not prepared to accept the Minister's view that there ought to be a suspension of the program, that he himself instituted, of making available, on a monthly basis, figures dealing with the Board of Health's finances in the year to date.

I remind Mr Berry of his press release of 21 June - one of these crowing press releases that trumpet a new era in reform of health services. He says here:

I have been assured that, from 1 July 1991, expanded commitment recording will be introduced and full financial reports will be circulated on a regular basis to program managers throughout the Board. Financial statements will be prepared in a timely manner on an accrual basis ...

He also indicated - not in this release, but elsewhere - that he would be receiving and making available to members of the Assembly, and presumably to the public, monthly financial statements - - -

Mr Berry: That is not accurate.

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