Page 5364 - Week 17 - Tuesday, 3 December 1991

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applies and that the notices go in on the Saturday. They will probably also get assistance from, for example, the major newspaper, and, assuming that the major newspaper remains the Canberra Times, as it currently is, I think we can expect that the Canberra Times will know that major publications like this go in on a Saturday.

That is not a guarantee. I accept, Mr Wood, that that is not a guarantee. But I think that, when we are considering a possibility after a possibility in a series of vague possibilities of what might go wrong, the weight of evidence still comes down strongly in favour of including the Saturday and not accepting Mr Wood's amendment. Mr Wood presented the same argument the other day when I was discussing this matter with Mr Wood and his staff. I should, at this point, place on the record the fact that I appreciated Mr Wood making himself and his staff available to go through a series of amendments. I think that was a very positive way of dealing with such a complicated series of issues. I urge members to accept that in this case the potential inconvenience in an unlikely situation is well outweighed by the convenience of people knowing that Saturday is the day.

MR JENSEN (12.17): Mr Speaker, the Rally will not be supporting the Government's amendment.

Amendment (Mr Wood's) negatived.

Amendment (Mr Moore's) agreed to.

Clause, as amended, agreed to.

Clause 23

MR JENSEN (12.18): Mr Speaker, the Rally opposes this particular clause. It may seem a small one; but it relates to the provision for defined land, and we would like the provision for defined land deleted. Of course, we have sought to resolve this issue in the past, via amendments to the interim Territory planning legislation recently. We were unsuccessful then, and I suppose - I can count - we will probably be unsuccessful here again today. But that is not to say that we will not seek to put a couple of issues on the record in relation to defined land. I know that Mr Moore will also be speaking on this matter.

I will not take up too much of the time of the house, but I think it is important to make some direct comments on it. What we are concerned about in relation to the use of defined land is that, once the plan variation goes through on this basis of defined land, that is effectively the last time that the community will have any major say in the process of development.

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