Page 5349 - Week 17 - Tuesday, 3 December 1991

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MR WOOD (Minister for Education and the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (11.15): I note Mr Kaine's remarks. I would explain this as a further refinement of the wording, which is acceptable to the Government. I will propose a further amendment - an amendment to the amendment - which I understand is agreed, to delete certain words from paragraph (c) so that it will read:

any relevant report required to be prepared by the Plan.

I move:

Paragraph (c), omit "prepared pursuant to", substitute "required to be prepared by".

Amendment (Mr Wood's) agreed to.

Amendment (Mr Jensen's), as amended, agreed to.

Clause, as amended, agreed to.

Clause 19

MR JENSEN (11.22), by leave: I move:

(a) Page 10, line 22, paragraph 19(1)(a), omit "and purchase".

(b) Page 10, line 32, subclause 19(2), omit "and purchase".

(c) Page 11, line 1, subclause 19(3), omit "or purchase".

(d) Page 11, line 10, subclause 19(4), omit "or purchase"; and

(e) Page 11, line 13, subclause 19(5), omit "or purchase".

These amendments relate specifically to the requirement to make available to members of the public, for public inspection and purchase, documentation in relation to environmental reports and inquiries, as part of the public consultation process. The Rally has always maintained, and will continue to maintain, that these sorts of documents are a very important part of the process of community consultation. In fact, we believe that it should be written into the process as such and budgeted for by the Government.

That may mean using some of the funds that in the past may have been taken from the Community Development Fund, for example, because we see this as part of the community process, if you like. It is not inappropriate for this sort of information to be made available to the community to enable it to carry out its work. It is on that basis that the Rally has always supported this process.

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