Page 5325 - Week 16 - Thursday, 28 November 1991

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Canberra people use hard drugs for recreational

purposes. It is common practice for drugs to be

used in association with sexual intercourse across all

sections of our society. The Committee must make up its

mind on the vexed questions of legalising, decriminalising

or enforcement of current-drug legislation to make their

report of any value.


20. To -say that there is no basis for therefor that sex

workers are instrumental in transmitting ;HIV is not very

responsible (p.6). The only safe sex is-total


or perhaps an. exclusive monogamous sexual relationship.

Condoms do not ensure safe sex. They.only improve the

odds. Oralsex is not necessarily safe sex.

The Committee will have to approach this area more

carefully and substantiate their arguments with a great

deal of research.


21. The church regards prostitution as a social evil because

it dehumanises all involved.

22., The church recognises that as a social eviller may

nevertheless be the lesser of evils in relation to

established reports on,sexualviolence in society, etc.

23. As &.necessary evil it should be accepted and controlled.

24. That control should be by way of decriminalisation not


25. Canberra should never recognise-prostitution -as a

respectable part of the hospitality industry.

26. The ACT Government should recognisethe links between,

casinos, prostitution and organised crime.

27. The role of drugs in prostitution should be carefully

investigated in Australia and overseas.

28. Careful,research on, the passing of various STDsefor,


RIV,.should preeede.the issuing of any report of the


29. The. Committee must engage in a .thorough investigation of

Canberra community Attitudes before releasing -any report


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