Page 5297 - Week 16 - Thursday, 28 November 1991

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Question put:

That the amendment (Mr Stevenson's) be agreed to.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 1  NOES, 15 

Mr Stevenson Mr Berry
 Mr Collaery
 Mr Connolly
 Mr Duby
 Ms Follett
 Mrs Grassby
 Mr Humphries
 Mr Kaine
 Dr Kinloch
 Ms Maher
 Mr Moore
 Mrs Nolan
 Mr Prowse
 Mr Stefaniak
 Mr Wood

Question so resolved in the negative.

Clauses agreed to.

Clauses 120 to 122 taken together

MR STEVENSON (5.59): Clauses 120 and 121 should be deleted - and for very good reasons. I wonder whether the members of the Liberal Party would be kind enough to have a bit of a listen-in. There may be something that - - -

MR SPEAKER: Mr Stevenson, you have the right to be heard, but not to be listened to. Please proceed.

Mrs Grassby: Very well put, Mr Speaker.

MR STEVENSON: It may have been well put. Indeed, I do understand that nobody in this Assembly has to listen to anything. Often, the truth of the matter is that they do not. But the point of the matter is that they are representatives of the people of Canberra, and when I have asked specifically - - -

Mr Berry: I raise a point of order on the grounds of relevance.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, Mr Stevenson.

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