Page 5253 - Week 16 - Thursday, 28 November 1991

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Of course, we have a couple of very major Bills in front of us at present which we are laboriously going through and which will also take time. We are mindful of that. But, certainly until such time as the Government tells us what is absolutely essential, we really cannot agree to these three days.

MR BERRY (Deputy Chief Minister) (3.15), in reply: There has been a bit of cross-chatter across the place, and it is just impossible in these circumstances to satisfy everybody. But there are just a few things that I would like to say. Last night we changed to have evening business at the very last moment, and that was with the general agreement of all members. It was most inconvenient for the staff. The Government had proposed that we sit this evening and it was urgent that I get to members early this morning and get the matter sorted out quickly. I had also indicated around this place that we may be sitting this evening, and I needed to sort that issue out. That has been sorted out.

Let us not forget that the Government did not want to have a private members' sitting day on Monday; it was inconvenient for the Government. But members decided that they wanted it and the Government goes along with that. I just hope that members will go along with the Government in this matter, because it is convenient for us.

In relation to the essential business, may I indicate - and I apologise for not indicating this when I first spoke on this matter - that the Government is considering what business falls into the category of essential business, to see whether we can find some matters which are not so essential and drop them off. But we will not really be able to make a decision in relation to that until Monday's Cabinet meeting. Of course, things which are important business include draft variations and so on and so forth, which will come up next week.

So, essentially, what is proposed is that we drop the night sitting which may have been a goer for today, and opt for a normal three-day sitting next week, with all of those timings that we have agreed to in the past - that is, the shorter lunch breaks and the later finishing times - as options. I understand that it does not suit everybody, but I am afraid we are not going to be able to do something that suits absolutely everybody. I urge members to support the motion.

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