Page 5230 - Week 16 - Thursday, 28 November 1991

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Clauses 67 and 68 taken together

MR COLLAERY (12.39): Mr Speaker, I move:

Page 28, line 25, paragraph 67 (1)(c), after "VI", insert "or section 63B".

This is a technical consequential amendment.

Amendment agreed to.

Clauses, as amended, agreed to.

Clause 69

Amendment (by Mr Collaery) agreed to:

Page 29, line 18, after "VI", insert "or section 63B".

Clause, as amended, agreed to.

Clause 70

MR STEVENSON (12.41): Clause 70 does not specify that the commissioner has to tell the person so enjoined anything other than that they have been made a party to the investigation. Why does it not require the commissioner to tell them exactly what the investigation is, what the details are, and, if they are alleged to have done anything, what they are alleged to have done?

Mr Connolly: Clause 72. Read it, you twit.

MR STEVENSON: The investigation, the court case, to a large degree, gives no requirement to tell you the different offences that have been complained of or the different charges that the commissioner is trying. I will get to clause 72 shortly.

Clause agreed to.

Clause 71 agreed to.

Clause 72

MR STEVENSON (12.42): This clause says:

Before commencing an investigation in relation to a matter the Commissioner shall, in writing -

(a) give each party to the investigation notice that the matter is to be investigated;
... ... ...

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