Page 5178 - Week 16 - Wednesday, 27 November 1991

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to be integrated into the mainstream is in accordance with - the term "normalisation" is not liked these days, but it is still called that in government - the normalisation policy accepted by the ACT and Commonwealth governments. The question of resources is also important in making sure that we attend to those interests.

I turn to the exceptions in the education area. This is clause 50. I know that Dr Kinloch was interested in this on the Down's syndrome side. Here is the provision that relates partly to this. It is subclause (2) and I think we need to ponder it a little bit. We are deciding here to effectively reject the petitions we have been receiving for a long time that this group of children now be let into the mainstream. If Mr Humphries were here, he would be able to contribute to this debate, because we both became involved at some time.

It has been argued by the Down's syndrome parents that their children should go naturally into the mainstream. It has been responded to by the education authorities that the matter of the particular resources required to be allocated to them in our schools raises, inversely, access and equity issues for other students. It is a very difficult and sensitive area, but we are deciding tonight to accept the position that has been advised for some years by the education authorities in the Territory.

Mr Berry: Erudite remarks, Bernard; but you are just taking up time.

MR COLLAERY: Well, I am sorry, Wayne. I believe that these things need to be settled. We will be accused of rushing through the legislation. We would not have this pressure if Mr Stevenson had been reasonable about his approach to the Bill.

I think the rest of the matters have not raised a great deal of comment; but in respect of the clause relating to access to premises it was argued that there should be a sunset clause for people, and it is there. It is in subclause (3).

MR STEVENSON (10.21): I wish to move an amendment to paragraph 51(1)(b), to delete the word "unjustifiable".

MR SPEAKER: Order! We have to get rid of the other amendments first, Mr Stevenson. We are still on clauses 45 to 54, and your amendments Nos 34 and 35. I have not put that question yet.

MS FOLLETT (Chief Minister and Treasurer) (10.22): I think that Mr Stevenson's comments on his amendments Nos 34 and 35 are deserving of a response. I am sure that Mr Collaery would agree that, in relation to this part of the Bill, there really has been very careful and quite exhaustive

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